Frequently Asked Questions
The following is a collection of the most frequently posed questions to Peniel.
If you have any other questions, or require any further assistance please contact us.
ABSOLUTELY & COMPLETELY! PENIEL statistics reveal that addictions are indeed reversible. Those that internalize and follow the individualized treatment plan developed by their primary counselor will absolutely be given the power they need to overcome their chemical dependencies and associated issues.
This will be one of the most difficult things a client will ever do. Reversing the curse of addiction requires personal effort and commitment. But it is worth the effort! Those seeking to conclusively overcome their chemical addictions and mild emotional problems should go through an intense treatment process where continuous change is required. Our program provides that opportunity. Because long-standing habits are both hard to break and easily revived, it will take great determination and strong perseverance to complete the treatment process successfully. Notwithstanding, we see it happen every day by our clients who want a real and lasting change in their lives!
Everyone is eligible. Because drug addiction and mild emotional problems do not discriminate, there is not necessarily a singlular "type” of person more prone to drug addiction and mild emotional problems. Religious background, socioeconomic status or educational level does not matter. Remember, those that are caught in the unforgiving web of addiction, need treatment!
Awful! Imagine being on dangerous streets, lonely, depressed, out of money and sicker than you can describe. Consider a life with friend and family relationships destroyed, angry, unhappy and no where to turn because of having burned every bridge. While you may not be able to imagine such a set of circumstances, this is exactly how many chemically-dependent people live. Many clients in treatment testify to experiencing what they believed they never would have experienced before becoming dependent. Many even admit to turning to criminal activities to financially support their addiction problem.
Drugs and alcohol have reached everyone in every area –- including the church. However, the stigma that can accompany addiction has (sad to say) left this problem largely untouched and un-addressed in many various social groups. BUT AT LAST, THERE’S HOPE. Peniel has taken the lead in the Christian and secular communities to effectively address this far too common problem.
The outstanding success of PENIEL’S Christian treatment model indicates that a drug and alcohol problem begins with a spiritual need. And our unique and patented Bible Therapy (officially registered with the Unite States Patent and Trademark Office) effectively identifies and addresses the spiritual root of every drug and alcohol problem. Notwithstanding, with Certified Addiction Counselors, Social Workers, Registered Nurses, Societal Behavior Specialists, etc., we also incorporate widely-recognized sobriety tools and counseling strategies to address the many and varied secondary problems that contribute to and perpetuate drug and/or alcohol dependency and its associated lifestyle issues.